Does the thought of Tax fill you with dread??

If you have previously seen DMC Tax for your 2024 tax return, then we have GOOD NEWS, it is likely that you’ll be able to take advantage of the Tax Agent Concessional Last Day to Lodge being 15 May 2025.

If you plan to lodge your tax return yourself, you need to be aware that the deadline for lodging your return via MYGOV is 31 October 2024. This is the latest date for self-lodgers to get their tax returns in to the ATO. Lodging after this date will run the risk of incurring a late lodgement penalty.

If you are concerned that you cannot meet the 31 October deadline, you should consider giving DMC TAX a call on 08 7324 7381 or email us ASAP and register your details to benefit from the extended deadline.


Have you lodged your 2023 Tax Return yet?

The bad news is that if you have a return outstanding from an earlier year, 2023 or prior, you will not be able to take advantage of our Tax Agent Concessional Date for Lodgement.

What does this mean? Having any overdue lodgement means you MUST lodge your 2024 Tax Return by 31 October 2024, even when lodging through a tax agent, in order to avoid any failure to lodge on time penalties. You will also need to lodge any outstanding tax returns in order to get you obligations up to date.

Having outstanding lodgements isn’t the end of the world. Did you know that DMC Tax have helped many clients who had prior year returns outstanding? So if you have been avoiding your tax returns, its time to contact us because we can help you! (You will feel the weight lift right off your shoulders)

REMEMBER! We look after interstate clients as well! (Skype, Email and Phone appointments available).

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