SCAM CALLERS – Protect yourself
Scams are designed to trick you into paying money or giving out personal information. Please be aware that this time of year the scammers come out in force. Keep reading to find out how you can keep your personal information safe.
We have had a lot of phone calls already this week to confirm accounts which is good. Please continue to contact us if you are ever unsure on the status of your account or if you believe you have received a scam call.
If you are in doubt about an interaction you have had with someone claiming to be from the ATO, or you think you have fallen victim to an ATO Impersonation scam, you can call us to verify your account or you can call the ATO directly on 1800 008 540 between 8:00am-6:00pm, Monday to Friday.
If you have provided your Tax File Number (TFN) to someone who should not have it, or you suspect someone is misusing your TFN, phone the ATO’s Client Identity Support Centre (CISC) on 1800 467 033 and they will be able to discuss the best way to protect your Tax Account.
To report a scam of any type you can report them by heading to On this website you can view different types of scams that are circulating as well as report a scam if you have fallen victim. You will also find helpful information and can subscribe for updates on the latest scams.

If someone contacts you claiming to be from the ATO, there are some tell-tale signs you can look for.
Abusive or threatening
The ATO will not act in an abusive or offensive manner or threaten you with immediate arrest.
Immediate payment
An ATO representative will not:
- ask you to transfer money into an account with a BSB that is not held with the Reserve Bank of Australia
- ask for payment through unusual methods such as iTunes gift cards or other prepaid cards
- ask you for money in order to receive a refund or other payment
- stay on the phone with you while you go to the bank, post office, or shops to make a payment.
What they will do is inform you about your tax debt before it is due. You can also check if you owe them money through your myGov account, DMC TAX as your Tax Accountant, or by phoning the ATO directly.
Alternatively, you can view range of legitimate payment options on their website if you have a tax debt.
Contact by email, text messages or social media
As well as not demanding immediate payment the ATO won’t use email, text messages or social media to:
- ask you to respond via email or text to provide personal information, supply your TFN, credit card or bank details
- send you downloadable files or tell you to install software.
Again, what they will do is use email and text messages asking you to contact us by phone or use myGov to:
- provide additional information for a BAS or GST enquiry, tax return or an application you have lodged
- verify changes to an account.
ATO use general notifications, promotional information and reminders by text messages, social media and email. You can check your current ATO text and email activities on the their website.
Too good to be true
Offers to ‘unlock’ your super early, or investments where you need to act quickly before an offer ends, are signs that an investment may not be legitimate.
Always check the details of these schemes with your registered financial adviser or someone you trust. If something appears too good to be true, it probably is.